Things David has never done or rarely done before this weekend 11/14-11/15:
- LOTS and LOTS of "what's that"
- Answering "what's that" questions asked of him
- Drawn something and named it - "camel" "mouse"
- talked spontaneously about things
- answered questions about school, really trying to find words
- bargained- "Go potty, watch rocket"
- talked on skype with Nana and Grandad for almost 20 minutes
- played with animals in appropriate way - fed the wax cow and Elmer, walked them around.
- told us the story of how the cow and Elmer were eating, what they were doing
- added "ed" for past tense to words which he had never heard "stucked"
In general, more eye contact, more talking, clearer talking, less fits, less scripted speech and long silences. More potty using, less fussing with that and more dressing of himself.
We are hopeful. :)