Monday, September 20, 2010

I should have just given him the soy milk

Sigh.... such a rough morning today. My D threw an epic fit about wanting the soy milk in the purple box usually reserved for lunches and car trips. When told that these were for lunches he threw himself under the table and refused to eat breakfast. All in front of Grandma and Grandpa. Great. Even tho these are my own parents I felt like I was the star of "the bad parent show".

No amount of hugs or sit in the chair could calm him or get him to come out. My J was starting to throw her food, so backpacks and lunches were put in the car and packed his waffle in a plastic cup, put my breakfast in the car, carried D to the car with no shoes or socks and got his sister and her shoes. Quick "bye" to the grandparents and we were off. Change of scenery worked and before we dropped his sister off, he was asking me for more waffle. Where was my sweet boy when we had an audience?

Since this fit caused us to miss his bus, I took him to school. Because of a teeny tiny packing lot and a million school buses, we couldn't even get down the cul-de-sac to the school and parked and walked from the main road. Lovely day to walk but I was already late to work. D was smiling and chipper despite loud bus engines by the time I got him to his class. I warned his teacher about the fit but emphasized he was happy now.

Got to work an hour late and in a bad mood. Would it have been different if I had just given him the freaking milk? Or was the fit going to happen no matter what?